Some time in 2009 – the year of the publication of Requiem of the Human Soul – Julius Schumacher is getting born in Hamburg, Germany. This kicks off the countdown to the Proposal for the Extinction of the Primal Species, where Eusebio is forced to defend our human race.
Here's what happens in between…
2009 Julius Schumacher born c. 2015 Genetic Donor Enhancement technology developed 2023 Insurance discounts for genetic screen tests 2024 Pre-natal optimization (PNO) technology first available 2030 Civil war in Nigeria 2031 88% of insurance applicants take genetic screen test c. 2035 Last tiger sighted in the wild 2041 Supreme Court case: illegal to patent a single gene 2042 EU legislation: d-panel given free to citizens 2044 New York Journal article: "Matterhorn Insurance plays genetic favorites" 2047 First Genetic Donor Enhancement for humans 2052 Class Action to Rectify Global Injustice (CARGI) filed Mid 2050s Burgeoning designer baby industry ended in U.S. 2057 Dr. Schumacher discovers the CONDUCTER 2063 Columbus nuclear explosion 2066 On Being Human published 2068 China legislates "Required Genetic Enhancement" 2069 Wealth Monthly article: "The New Offshore Baby Boom" 2069 Dr. Schumacher assassinated |
2073 Homeland Party elected into power 2073 U.S. re-introduces the military draft c. 2080 50% of U.S. babies are d-babies (d1 or d2) 2091 China abolishes the military draft 2092 First d-human U.S. president elected 2093 Foreign Affairs article: "Defending America's Homeland: The Genetic Solution" 2094 U.S. Constitution amended with Homeland Security Bill of Rights 2114 Naomi Aramovich born 2116 Global Aggression Limitation Treaty (GALT) signed 2117 Harper Atlantic article: "Phoenix Rising" 2118 United Nations Authority for the Primal Species (UNAPS) set up 2138 Eusebio Franklin born 2159 Sally Franklin born 2169 Sarah Franklin dies 2180 Sally and Gareth leave Tuckers Corner 2185 Proposal for the Extinction of the Primal Species (PEPS) session